Using Collaboration And Experience To Protect Your Freedom And Reputation

What Is Mail And Wire Fraud?

What Is Wire Fraud And Mail Fraud?

Federal prosecutors often combine wire fraud and mail fraud with other financial fraud charges tied to bank fraud, tax avoidance, securities fraud and money laundering. Mail fraud specifically uses U.S. mail or private carriers in a scheme designed to defraud someone of money or property. Wire fraud, as the name implies, utilizes electronic communication – phone, email, fax – in a fraudulent scheme. Internet fraud and tax evasions schemes filing returns online are examples of wire fraud.

If you think you are under federal investigation for mail or wire fraud, you need to contact our firm. For more than 25 years, criminal defense attorney Michael A. Gottlieb has successfully defended Florida clients from federal court charges. He has handled cases across the U.S. in each federal court jurisdiction.

What You Need To Know

You can be charged with wire fraud simply by referring to a scheme during a phone conversation. Each piece of mail or wire communication can be charged as a separate criminal count. That is just the start. Our team of lawyers can answer your questions and explain the law as it applies to your case. Depending on your situation, our attorneys will fight to get the US Attorney’s Office to drop the investigation or we will argue to have the charges dismissed or reduced. We are devoted to helping you avoid the harsh penalties that come from a mail fraud or wire fraud conviction.

Protect Your Freedom

Located in Fort Lauderdale, Michael A. Gottlieb, P.A., aggressively defends those charged with white collar crimes like wire and mail fraud. For a review and analysis of your case, email our firm or call 954-355-7286. Initial consultations are free of charge and come with no obligations.